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Inherits: IHooks, ImmutableState
abstract contract for hook implementations
constructor(IPoolManager _manager) ImmutableState(_manager);
Returns a struct of permissions to signal which hook functions are to be implemented
Used at deployment to validate the address correctly represents the expected permissions
function getHookPermissions() public pure virtual returns (Hooks.Permissions memory);
Validates the deployed hook address agrees with the expected permissions of the hook
this function is virtual so that we can override it during testing, which allows us to deploy an implementation to any address and then etch the bytecode into the correct address
function validateHookAddress(BaseHook _this) internal pure virtual;
The hook called before the state of a pool is initialized
function beforeInitialize(address sender, PoolKey calldata key, uint160 sqrtPriceX96)
returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the initialize call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool being initialized |
sqrtPriceX96 | uint160 | The sqrt(price) of the pool as a Q64.96 |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _beforeInitialize(address, PoolKey calldata, uint160) internal virtual returns (bytes4);
The hook called after the state of a pool is initialized
function afterInitialize(address sender, PoolKey calldata key, uint160 sqrtPriceX96, int24 tick)
returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the initialize call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool being initialized |
sqrtPriceX96 | uint160 | The sqrt(price) of the pool as a Q64.96 |
tick | int24 | The current tick after the state of a pool is initialized |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _afterInitialize(address, PoolKey calldata, uint160, int24) internal virtual returns (bytes4);
The hook called before liquidity is added
function beforeAddLiquidity(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata params,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the add liquidity call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams | The parameters for adding liquidity |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the liquidity provider to be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _beforeAddLiquidity(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4);
The hook called before liquidity is removed
function beforeRemoveLiquidity(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata params,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the remove liquidity call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams | The parameters for removing liquidity |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the liquidity provider to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _beforeRemoveLiquidity(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4);
The hook called after liquidity is added
function afterAddLiquidity(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata params,
BalanceDelta delta,
BalanceDelta feesAccrued,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4, BalanceDelta);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the add liquidity call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams | The parameters for adding liquidity |
delta | BalanceDelta | The caller's balance delta after adding liquidity; the sum of principal delta, fees accrued, and hook delta |
feesAccrued | BalanceDelta | The fees accrued since the last time fees were collected from this position |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the liquidity provider to be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
<none> | BalanceDelta | BalanceDelta The hook's delta in token0 and token1. Positive: the hook is owed/took currency, negative: the hook owes/sent currency |
function _afterAddLiquidity(
PoolKey calldata,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata,
bytes calldata
) internal virtual returns (bytes4, BalanceDelta);
The hook called after liquidity is removed
function afterRemoveLiquidity(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata params,
BalanceDelta delta,
BalanceDelta feesAccrued,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4, BalanceDelta);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the remove liquidity call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams | The parameters for removing liquidity |
delta | BalanceDelta | The caller's balance delta after removing liquidity; the sum of principal delta, fees accrued, and hook delta |
feesAccrued | BalanceDelta | The fees accrued since the last time fees were collected from this position |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the liquidity provider to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
<none> | BalanceDelta | BalanceDelta The hook's delta in token0 and token1. Positive: the hook is owed/took currency, negative: the hook owes/sent currency |
function _afterRemoveLiquidity(
PoolKey calldata,
IPoolManager.ModifyLiquidityParams calldata,
bytes calldata
) internal virtual returns (bytes4, BalanceDelta);
The hook called before a swap
function beforeSwap(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata params,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4, BeforeSwapDelta, uint24);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the swap call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.SwapParams | The parameters for the swap |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the swapper to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
<none> | BeforeSwapDelta | BeforeSwapDelta The hook's delta in specified and unspecified currencies. Positive: the hook is owed/took currency, negative: the hook owes/sent currency |
<none> | uint24 | uint24 Optionally override the lp fee, only used if three conditions are met: 1. the Pool has a dynamic fee, 2. the value's 2nd highest bit is set (23rd bit, 0x400000), and 3. the value is less than or equal to the maximum fee (1 million) |
function _beforeSwap(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4, BeforeSwapDelta, uint24);
The hook called after a swap
function afterSwap(
address sender,
PoolKey calldata key,
IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata params,
BalanceDelta delta,
bytes calldata hookData
) external onlyPoolManager returns (bytes4, int128);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the swap call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
params | IPoolManager.SwapParams | The parameters for the swap |
delta | BalanceDelta | The amount owed to the caller (positive) or owed to the pool (negative) |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the swapper to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
<none> | int128 | int128 The hook's delta in unspecified currency. Positive: the hook is owed/took currency, negative: the hook owes/sent currency |
function _afterSwap(address, PoolKey calldata, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, BalanceDelta, bytes calldata)
returns (bytes4, int128);
The hook called before donate
function beforeDonate(address sender, PoolKey calldata key, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes calldata hookData)
returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the donate call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
amount0 | uint256 | The amount of token0 being donated |
amount1 | uint256 | The amount of token1 being donated |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the donor to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _beforeDonate(address, PoolKey calldata, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) internal virtual returns (bytes4);
The hook called after donate
function afterDonate(address sender, PoolKey calldata key, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes calldata hookData)
returns (bytes4);
Name | Type | Description |
sender | address | The initial msg.sender for the donate call |
key | PoolKey | The key for the pool |
amount0 | uint256 | The amount of token0 being donated |
amount1 | uint256 | The amount of token1 being donated |
hookData | bytes | Arbitrary data handed into the PoolManager by the donor to be be passed on to the hook |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes4 | bytes4 The function selector for the hook |
function _afterDonate(address, PoolKey calldata, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) internal virtual returns (bytes4);
error HookNotImplemented();