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Inherits: IPositionManager, ERC721Permit_v4, PoolInitializer_v4, Multicall_v4, DeltaResolver, ReentrancyLock, BaseActionsRouter, Notifier, Permit2Forwarder, NativeWrapper
The PositionManager (PosM) contract is responsible for creating liquidity positions on v4. PosM mints and manages ERC721 tokens associated with each position.
State Variables
Used to get the ID that will be used for the next minted liquidity position
The ID of the next token that will be minted. Skips 0
uint256 public nextTokenId = 1;
IPositionDescriptor public immutable tokenDescriptor;
mapping(uint256 tokenId => PositionInfo info) public positionInfo;
mapping(bytes25 poolId => PoolKey poolKey) public poolKeys;
IPoolManager _poolManager,
IAllowanceTransfer _permit2,
uint256 _unsubscribeGasLimit,
IPositionDescriptor _tokenDescriptor,
IWETH9 _weth9
ERC721Permit_v4("Uniswap v4 Positions NFT", "UNI-V4-POSM")
Reverts if the deadline has passed
modifier checkDeadline(uint256 deadline);
Name | Type | Description |
deadline | uint256 | The timestamp at which the call is no longer valid, passed in by the caller |
Reverts if the caller is not the owner or approved for the ERC721 token
either msg.sender or msgSender() is passed in as the caller msgSender() should ONLY be used if this is called from within the unlockCallback, unless the codepath has reentrancy protection
modifier onlyIfApproved(address caller, uint256 tokenId) override;
Name | Type | Description |
caller | address | The address of the caller |
tokenId | uint256 | the unique identifier of the ERC721 token |
Enforces that the PoolManager is locked.
modifier onlyIfPoolManagerLocked() override;
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory);
Unlocks Uniswap v4 PoolManager and batches actions for modifying liquidity
This is the standard entrypoint for the PositionManager
function modifyLiquidities(bytes calldata unlockData, uint256 deadline)
Name | Type | Description |
unlockData | bytes | is an encoding of actions, and parameters for those actions |
deadline | uint256 | is the deadline for the batched actions to be executed |
Batches actions for modifying liquidity without unlocking v4 PoolManager
This must be called by a contract that has already unlocked the v4 PoolManager
function modifyLiquiditiesWithoutUnlock(bytes calldata actions, bytes[] calldata params) external payable isNotLocked;
Name | Type | Description |
actions | bytes | the actions to perform |
params | bytes[] | the parameters to provide for the actions |
function that returns address considered executor of the actions
The other context functions, _msgData and _msgValue, are not supported by this contract
In many contracts this will be the address that calls the initial entry point that calls _executeActions
shouldn't be used, as this will be the v4 pool manager contract that calls unlockCallback
If using ReentrancyLock.sol, this function can return _getLocker()
function msgSender() public view override returns (address);
function _handleAction(uint256 action, bytes calldata params) internal virtual override;
Calling increase with 0 liquidity will credit the caller with any underlying fees of the position
function _increase(uint256 tokenId, uint256 liquidity, uint128 amount0Max, uint128 amount1Max, bytes calldata hookData)
onlyIfApproved(msgSender(), tokenId);
The liquidity delta is derived from open deltas in the pool manager.
function _increaseFromDeltas(uint256 tokenId, uint128 amount0Max, uint128 amount1Max, bytes calldata hookData)
onlyIfApproved(msgSender(), tokenId);
Calling decrease with 0 liquidity will credit the caller with any underlying fees of the position
function _decrease(uint256 tokenId, uint256 liquidity, uint128 amount0Min, uint128 amount1Min, bytes calldata hookData)
onlyIfApproved(msgSender(), tokenId);
function _mint(
PoolKey calldata poolKey,
int24 tickLower,
int24 tickUpper,
uint256 liquidity,
uint128 amount0Max,
uint128 amount1Max,
address owner,
bytes calldata hookData
) internal;
function _mintFromDeltas(
PoolKey calldata poolKey,
int24 tickLower,
int24 tickUpper,
uint128 amount0Max,
uint128 amount1Max,
address owner,
bytes calldata hookData
) internal;
this is overloaded with ERC721Permit_v4._burn
function _burn(uint256 tokenId, uint128 amount0Min, uint128 amount1Min, bytes calldata hookData)
onlyIfApproved(msgSender(), tokenId);
function _settlePair(Currency currency0, Currency currency1) internal;
function _takePair(Currency currency0, Currency currency1, address recipient) internal;
function _close(Currency currency) internal;
integrators may elect to forfeit positive deltas with clear if the forfeit amount exceeds the user-specified max, the amount is taken instead if there is no credit, no call is made.
function _clearOrTake(Currency currency, uint256 amountMax) internal;
Sweeps the entire contract balance of specified currency to the recipient
function _sweep(Currency currency, address to) internal;
if there is a subscriber attached to the position, this function will notify the subscriber
function _modifyLiquidity(
PositionInfo info,
PoolKey memory poolKey,
int256 liquidityChange,
bytes32 salt,
bytes calldata hookData
) internal returns (BalanceDelta liquidityDelta, BalanceDelta feesAccrued);
function _pay(Currency currency, address payer, uint256 amount) internal override;
an internal helper used by Notifier
function _setSubscribed(uint256 tokenId) internal override;
an internal helper used by Notifier
function _setUnsubscribed(uint256 tokenId) internal override;
overrides solmate transferFrom in case a notification to subscribers is needed
will revert if pool manager is locked
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id) public virtual override onlyIfPoolManagerLocked;
Returns the pool key and position info of a position
function getPoolAndPositionInfo(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (PoolKey memory poolKey, PositionInfo info);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | the ERC721 tokenId |
Name | Type | Description |
poolKey | PoolKey | the pool key of the position |
info | PositionInfo | PositionInfo a uint256 packed value holding information about the position including the range (tickLower, tickUpper) |
Returns the liquidity of a position
this value can be processed as an amount0 and amount1 by using the LiquidityAmounts library
function getPositionLiquidity(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint128 liquidity);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | the ERC721 tokenId |
Name | Type | Description |
liquidity | uint128 | the position's liquidity, as a liquidityAmount |
function _getLiquidity(uint256 tokenId, PoolKey memory poolKey, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
returns (uint128 liquidity);