Welcome to Uniswap Docs

What is Uniswap
Learn about the core concepts of the Uniswap Protocol, Swaps, Pools, Concentrated Liquidity and more.
Integrate with Uniswap
Learn how to integrate with Uniswap by building a dApp through guided examples.
The Uniswap smart contracts
Learn about the architecture of the Uniswap Protocol smart contracts through guided examples.
Integrate your smart contracts
Explore these guided tutorials to get started integrating with Uniswap in your smart contracts.
Setup your environment
Prepare your local environment by installing the required dependencies
Implement a Swap
Start swapping from a smart contract in Solidity
Provide Liquidity
Provide liquidity from a smart contract in Solidity
Implement Flash Swaps
Implement Flash Swaps from a smart contract in Solidity
Create a Hook
Create your first hook to customize pool behavior in Solidity
Join our Developer Community.
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Uniswap Foundation
In pursuit of a more open and fair financial system, the Uniswap Foundation supports the growth, decentralization, and sustainability of the Uniswap community.