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Testing Hooks

Testing hooks

Testing hooks is same as testing contracts. The template includes a test for the Counter hook, which you can find in test/Counter.t.sol.

Here are some key points about the Counter hook test:

  1. The hook extends from a couple of utilities that facilitate easier testing of hooks.

    import "forge-std/Test.sol";
    import {Deployers} from "v4-core/test/utils/Deployers.sol";

    contract CounterTest is Test, Deployers {
  2. The setup function, called before every test, creates a few test tokens, retrieves the hook address, and then initializes the pool with this hook address.

    function setup() public {
    (currency0, currency1) = Deployers.deployMintAndApprove2Currencies();

    // Deploy the hook to an address with the correct flags
    uint160 flags = uint160(
    (address hookAddress, bytes32 salt) =
    HookMiner.find(address(this), flags, type(Counter).creationCode, abi.encode(address(manager)));
    counter = new Counter{salt: salt}(IPoolManager(address(manager)));

    Pool is then initialized containing this hook

      // Create the pool
    key = PoolKey(currency0, currency1, 3000, 60, IHooks(counter));
    poolId = key.toId();
    initializeRouter.initialize(key, SQRT_RATIO_1_1, ZERO_BYTES);
  3. Hook tests utilize a router, namely PoolModifyPositionTest, to modify positions. PoolModifyPositionTest implements the ILockCallback interface and adds the lockAcquired function, which in turn calls the manager.modifyPosition function.

      PoolManager manager;
    PoolModifyPositionTest modifyPositionRouter;

    manager = new PoolManager(500000);

    // Helpers for interacting with the pool
    modifyPositionRouter = new PoolModifyPositionTest(IPoolManager(address(manager)));

    modifyPositionRouter.modifyPosition(poolKey, IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams(-120, 120, 10 ether), ZERO_BYTES);

    Similarly, for token swaps, the test uses PoolSwapTest, which also implements the ILockCallback interface.

  4. Testing the hook closely resembles testing any other smart contract. The function testCounterHooks executes swaps and verifies if the counters are updated correctly.

    function testCounterHooks() public {
    // positions were created in setup()
    assertEq(counter.beforeAddLiquidityCount(poolId), 3);
    assertEq(counter.beforeRemoveLiquidityCount(poolId), 0);

    assertEq(counter.beforeSwapCount(poolId), 0);
    assertEq(counter.afterSwapCount(poolId), 0);

    // Perform a test swap //
    bool zeroForOne = true;
    int256 amountSpecified = 1e18;
    BalanceDelta swapDelta = swap(key, zeroForOne, amountSpecified, ZERO_BYTES);
    // ------------------- //

    assertEq(int256(swapDelta.amount0()), amountSpecified);

    assertEq(counter.beforeSwapCount(poolId), 1);
    assertEq(counter.afterSwapCount(poolId), 1);

    /// Test Helper
    function swap(
    PoolKey memory key,
    bool zeroForOne,
    int256 amountSpecified,
    bytes memory hookData
    ) internal returns (BalanceDelta delta) {
    IPoolManager.SwapParams memory params = IPoolManager.SwapParams({
    zeroForOne: zeroForOne,
    amountSpecified: amountSpecified,
    sqrtPriceLimitX96: zeroForOne ? TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1 // unlimited impact

    PoolSwapTest.TestSettings memory testSettings =
    PoolSwapTest.TestSettings({withdrawTokens: true, settleUsingTransfer: true, currencyAlreadySent: false});

    delta = swapRouter.swap(key, params, testSettings, hookData);